1105 MADISON PLZ SUITE 120 CHESAPEAKE, VA 23320 Get Directions
1105 MADISON PLZ SUITE 120 CHESAPEAKE, VA 23320 Get Directions
Michael G. Sweeney has been practicing law in Virginia and North Carolina for over 16 years. Experience and commitment to excellence defines Michael Sweeney. Putting People First is our motto. Personal attention and focusing on the needs of our clients is our number one goal.Whether you are closing on a new home, selling your current home or refinance your mortgage, Mr. Sweeney can assist you in the real estate settlement process.Do you want to start a business? Michael Sweeney can advise you as to how to structure your business. He has incorporated and organized over 200 businesses and continues to represent them in various legal matters.If you are a senior or a couple with small children, you need to prepare for the future. Life is unpredictable. Call us to assist you with your Will or Medical Power of Attorney. Don't leave the details to those left behind.For over 16 years, Mr. Sweeney has represented clients in courtrooms across Hampton Roads and Northeast North Carolina in matters including criminal defense, traffic violations and civil litigation.Michael Sweeney is experienced, approachable and dedicated to providing the best personal service and sound legal advice to his clients. Please call or email us to discuss how he can put his experience to work for you.
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