524 W 4TH AVE ANCHORAGE, AK 99501 Get Directions
524 W 4TH AVE ANCHORAGE, AK 99501 Get Directions
Visit Anchorage Goals
1.Generate more visitor dollars to build and diversify Anchorage's economy.
2.Maintain Visit Anchorage as the expert for Anchorage's destination marketing, and being a steward for the community.
3.Educate Alaskans of the value of conventions and visitors to the Anchorage community.
4.Optimize revenue, grow overnight stays in Anchorage to increase accommodations tax revenues, and ensure the continued success of the Anchorage Civic and Convention Center complex while controlling costs.
Visit Anchorage's marketing functions are funded by one-third of the bed tax collected by lodging facilities. One-third goes to the Municipality's general fund, and one-third to service the bond debt and operations of the Anchorage Convention Centers. Visit Anchorage receives no state or federal funds. View Bed Tax FAQs
Destination marketing is a very competitive business. Visit Anchorage's positioning of Anchorage keeps our city top-of-mind with the traveling public, infusing much-need visitor industry dollars into our community. These dollars allow for year-round employment, generate revenue for more than 1,000 local businesses and keep our quality-of-life high by making it profitable for restaurants and entertainment options to remain open throughout the year, benefitting residents. See how tourism is paying off.
Visit Anchorage promotes Anchorage as a destination by:
oProviding a vehicle for the merging of public and private resources.
oSecuring and maintaining social, cultural and economic visitor benefits for Anchorage residents on a year-round basis.
oPromoting the Municipality of Anchorage, including all facilities, attractions, activities and services from Portage Glacier to the village of Eklutna, including downtown, Chugach State Park and portions of Chugach National Forest.
oPromoting all major attractions, activities, and member facilities and services within a day's outing from downtown. Relating to this purpose, Visit Anchorage is also a vehicle for the promotion of all of Alaska as a visitor destination.
The Municipality of Anchorage established the Anchorage Convention & Visitor's Bureau, now known as Visit Anchorage, in 1975 in response to voters and the visitor industry to stimulate tourism growth and to diversify the economy. Visit Anchorage's positioning of Anchorage keeps our city top-of-mind with the traveling public, infusing much-needed visitor industry dollars into our community. These dollars allow for year-round employment, generate revenue for more than 1,000 local businesses and keep our quality-of-life high by making it profitable for restaurants and entertainment options to remain open throughout the year, benefitting residents.
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