4980 HWY 12 MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359 Get Directions
4980 HWY 12 MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359 Get Directions
When you’re deciding what kind of financial institution to trust to keep your savings safe, choose a long-time community partner who has your best interest at heart. Bank of Maple Plain, one of Minnesota’s longest standing institutions, is just that kind of bank. Since 1905, they’ve been providing customers like you with excellent banking service. Open a checking or savings account here for safe and secure banking.
From car loans to commercial lines of credit, when you bank with Bank of Maple Plain, you’re getting top-notch services from trusted and knowledgeable bankers. They have plenty of services for you to benefit from, even if a personal or business loan isn’t one of your immediate needs. Take advantage of safe deposit boxes, online banking and bill pay, and instant cash cards with eligible checking accounts.
Let Bank of Maple Plain show you what over a century of exceptional customer service looks like. Find out more when you visit their website or call (763) 479-1931.
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