699 COUNTY ROAD 4818 KEMPNER, TX 76539 Get Directions
699 COUNTY ROAD 4818 KEMPNER, TX 76539 Get Directions
BBSILENTPARDER offers a partnership with districts to relieve Administrators and Staff's valuable time allowing them to focus on day to day operations by Doing the Leg work to provide the district with the information, tools and recommedations to consider necessary policy and guidleine changes that could result in Cost Savings, Increased Services using the the same or reduced assets and improve overall operational efficiency.
BBSilentPardner, LLC team has more than 20 years' hands on experience, talent, skills, and knowledge working in the student bus transportation arena to compliment your district's available staff knowledge and talent.
BBSilentPardner, LLC. has provided student Transportation Professionals, Business Managers, Campus Staff, and Superintendents high-quality Student Transportation Consulting, Transfinder software training/setup, Routing and Efficiency Analysis services since 2007
BBSilentPardner, LLC has successfully supported school districts in identifying and developing programs to reduce their buses while maintaining or even increasing services to their students. One district is enjoying a reduction of 52 buses after a 2 year reduction program (98 to 46). This district has developed a addtional program (further reduce their buse assets from 46 to 31). In view that this program requires Bell time changes they are allowing themselves the time to work with the Parents, Campuses, Administrators, and the public to gain the support and approval well before they have to react. Pro-Active can be
less painful and easier to amange and Re-Active. Budgets sources do not always consider what the school district must.
BBSilentPardner, LLC mission is to assist student transportation professionals in the development of working databases, evaluate existing bus routes and preparing recommendations for districts to make valued decisions to improve student transportation efficiency through eliminating buses, improved routing, saving fuel and lowering operating costs.
BBSilentPardner, LLC can provide start-up, mid-level, and advanced user training on all Transfinder (Routefinder Pro ) products) for staff and administrators. Individual users will be able to increase their skills, knowledge, and self-confidence working with your new software and Adminsitrators will bea ble to see the districts return on their investment.
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