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12980 METCALF AVE STE 400 OVERLAND PARK, KS 66213 Get Directions
Remember, you're talking to someone, not everyone.It's about individuals, rather than audiences.Think, conversing with, rather than talking to. Talking to is less and less effective. Conversing with is more and more critical. The monologue of traditional marketing must be replaced with a new kind of dialogue between brands and their consumers. We're in a new environment and must leave old ways of behaving and communicating behind. It means applying the principles of direct marketing in whole new ways.There's a right way and a wrong way to talk direct. Get personable; in fact, get personal. Know not only your consumer, but your brand. Only then can you begin to build a relationship responsibly. It's a philosophy we call Creative Responseablilty®SmartargetingTM starts by getting a handle on the chemistry of your target, what they react to, what communication channels they prefer, why it is that they become loyal to a brand in some instances, and abandon a brand in the others.Then we craft messages, develop creative, pinpoint delivery, and follow through with comprehensive measures to determine the level of response and effectiveness of those messages.Dialogue lays the foundation for partnership.(Communicating without ambiguity can make the customer and business relationship grow.)Just as we've addressed the need for transparency between brand and consumer, we must establish transparency between client and agency. Effective analytics, insightful strategy, compelling communications ... they rely first on collaboration. We believe in working together to gather the right information, identify the right challenges, and work towards the right solutions. We insist on being as one-to-one with our clients, as we do with brands being direct with their consumer.Dialogue for success.Goals and objectives are different for every company.(So are the solutions.)Smartargeting represents a unique partnering opportunity for you. If you're questioning the value of traditional mass or even direct methods with the traditional vague measurements of performance, then you're ready to start a dialogue with us. It just may be one of the smartest conversations you'll ever start.When you partner with SmartargetingTM, you're getting more than experience, insight and commitment.The discipline of DM considers a fundamental way of talking and communicating... one-to-one. We take advantage of all the latest in technology and trends...including creative, to make sure you're on the frontline of your marketing industry. Our size makes us flexible to respond quickly to changes in strategy or objectives. That's something we do every day.SmartargetingTM offers a complete list of services in the following areas: - Analytics- Strategy- Creative- Acquisition Programs- Loyalty Programs Smartargeting areas of expertise: - Acquisition- Loyalty- Direct- CRM Analytics- B-to-B Marketing- B-to-C Marketing Smartargeting core competencies are: - Strategy Consulting- Program Measurement & Reporting- Complete DM Analysis- DM Targeting- List Management- Full Service Creative Smartargeting statistical modeling & mapping: - Database Design- Warehousing
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