420 FORTUNE BLVD MILFORD, MA 01757 Get Directions
420 FORTUNE BLVD MILFORD, MA 01757 Get Directions
Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions Inc., provides solutions that streamline permit, inspection, land management, compliance activities and reporting processes for municipalities nationwide. Our flagship solution, GeoTMS, integrates the tools that you need into one seamless solution providing the ultimate in flexibility for the municipality.
We have a long history of involvement in local government. Dorian A. Des Lauriers – our Company President, served on a number of commissions and boards in the local government arena. It was during this time that the opportunity and need to fundamentally change and automate the way local government provides municipal land management services became clear. Extensive research, development and testing were done into the workings of local government and emerging technologies.
The result of this research was GeoTMS, an innovative approach that provides local governments the ability to automate many processes throughout the municipality. GeoTMS also adds a new dimension to the view of the municipality - GIS. Through this geographic perspective the municipality can answer questions like:
"Where are the wetlands in relation to this development?"
"Where and who are the abutters to this parcel?"
"Where are all the failed septic systems?"
In order to further meet the needs of automation in local government and provide the best of today's technology, Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc was formed in 1997. GeoTMS was further developed with the goal of "Automating the Way Government Works" while providing a variety of new technologies in an easy to use interface. The product was designed to automate the daily work of local government land management departments. GeoTMS serves all land management areas of local government including:
Building Department
Health Department
Fire Department
Conservation Commission
Planning Board
Zoning Board of Appeals
Licensing Department
Historic Commission
Mayor’s / Town Administrator’s Office
and more
Our research and subsequent product development solution has propelled us into a becoming nationally recognized expert in the field of municipal land management automation. We have spoken at dozens of national and regional conferences focusing on the automation of:
Building Process
Health Department
Fire Department
Code Enforcement
The power of GIS Technology in Local Government
Streamlining the Permitting Process
Site Plan and Subdivision Review in the Permitting Process
Enhancing productivity through mobile technology
Contact us today to learn more about GeoTMS
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