5480 SANDSTONE CT CUMMING, GA 30040 Get Directions
5480 SANDSTONE CT CUMMING, GA 30040 Get Directions
KYC Data is a national compiler of security and warranty deed information. Our information is obtained hourly, directly from public documents recorded at thousands of county courthouses nationwide.
We specialize in providing homeowner data and equity borrower information to hundreds of companies who utilize this information for marketing, research and valuation purposes. Our method of compiling this public information allows us to offer you distinct methods of reaching your prospects.
If you currently market your products or services to new homeowners or equity borrowers, we can provide you with a mailing list. If you are focused on reaching your prospects doorstep with your offer first, you will see a dramatic increase in the response rates of your direct mail campaign with our data.
We have been compiling new homeowner and equity information since 1980 (formerly as Dataman, Inc.). Our industry expertise and widespread knowledge about marketing to new homeowners and equity borrowers will add value to your mailing and telemarketing efforts.
© Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. 2025. All rights reserved.
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