1101 HIGHVIEW DR WEBBERVILLE, MI 48892 Get Directions
1101 HIGHVIEW DR WEBBERVILLE, MI 48892 Get Directions
One company - many successes
Every single day, our employees exceed the expectations of our customers. The results of their work are most impressive, even if one rarely gets to see them in daily life. Whether as a systems supplier or a machine manufacturer, in each of our fields of activity we are a trusted partner when it comes to the development and production of new solutions.
What counts is what our customers want!
Our subassemblies and components for engine technology, our ultrasonic, hot-air and thermal contact welding and sealing lines and our modules and systems for packaging lines are always one-of-a-kind developments - specifically tailored to our customers' requirements.
To begin with, MS always works out a detailed requirement profile together with the customer, and realizes it with the know-how of its engineers and technicians. This approach forms the basis of our excellent reputation in the market and our great success over the past years. MS has the engineering plus the production technology. MS has the qualifications. And most important of all, MS has the people: employees who, with their attitude, their loyalty and their qualifications, secure a competitive advantage for our customers and guarantee them market success.
Much of the special quality of what we provide is due to the know-how of our employees, which makes high-precision solutions possible in the first place. To secure this know-how in the future as well, MS invests in training and further qualification on a continuous basis. MS is one of the leading companies in the engine technology and sealing technology sectors.
Maximum utility for utility vehicles!
Close cooperation with customers and universities has made MS into your expert partner for the development of modern engine technology.
Here's what makes engine technology from MS so special:
?Our development expertise
?Our high level of vertical integration
?Our quality awareness
?Our reaction times
?Our customer service
Expertise for state-of-the-art technology
Total expertise from a single source - for the processing of thin-walled aluminum housings, and the production of complete axles, rocker systems and engine braking systems. We'll deliver your system to your production line just-in-sequence - that's a promise!
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