15131 NEW HASTINGS DR HOUSTON, TX 77095 Get Directions
15131 NEW HASTINGS DR HOUSTON, TX 77095 Get Directions
Music software and computers have given a renewed nudge towards the solution to this problem. Many musicians and programmers dove in at once to create software for music education, connecting the computer and instrument into one system. Everyone awaited a miracle from the Technological Revolution and music software. It was expected that computerization would conquer the problem of common music illiteracy in the coming years.
Educational music software became common. In the States, lessons there were markedly less expensive thanks to mass production. Music teachers split into two parties. The "Conservatives" categorically rejected the computer’s music software ability to teach "beautiful art" and thought the attempts at teaching with a "soulless machine" to be barbaric. The "Computerists" were convinced that only a computer with educational music software could really teach music, connected into the process with interactivity and graphics.
Meanwhile, the failure of the computer music software programs of that time can be explained quite simply: they didn’t change the approach to the perception at all. The same old ineffective system of music education remained at their core. The elements of play, colored graphics and interactivity only sweetened the bitter pill of the usual method. They couldn’t teach people to master the language of music. You can change anything you’d like in an old car: the body, steering wheel and tires, you can even install an A.C. and a TV screen. But until the broken engine is replaced, the car will remain a piece of junk that nobody needs.
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