8593 RIVER RD SE SOUTHPORT, NC 28461 Get Directions
8593 RIVER RD SE SOUTHPORT, NC 28461 Get Directions
We've looked at all of the models out there for building and running an animal hospital, and frankly - we didn't really like any of them. There's the quick 15-minute appointment where you barely get to say "Hi" to the doctor: we make lots of money, but we don't know you and your pet and you certainly don't know us. There's the big, impersonal referral/specialty hospital: we're nice but we feel kind of sterile. There's the low cost, in-and-out discount hospital: we treat a lot of animals, you like us for our prices, but we really don't get any satisfaction out of the job. So we made up our own model. We want to know you and your pet(s). We want to have in-depth discussions about wellness, prevention, and illness without watching a clock. We want to offer as many services for as many different kinds of pet family members as possible under one roof. We want to answer your questions when something comes up in the middle of the night.We want to be a part of your family and you part of ours.
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