322 KAREN AVE UNIT 1505 LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 Get Directions
322 KAREN AVE UNIT 1505 LAS VEGAS, NV 89109 Get Directions
SlideStand - click - slide - stand - enjoy
It's a simple yet well engineered product.
It's durable - we have tested over 4000 open/close operations.
It's virtually universal.
Product specifications:
Height: 6.7cm -- 2.6 inches
Width: 4.1cm - 1.6 inches
Thickness: 0.2cm - 0.08 inches
Use it for:
? watching TV, movies, sporting events or music videos
? viewing slideshows or delivering a PowerPoint presentation on the go
? to see who is calling from across the room
? on your night-stand as an alarm clock
? hands free face-time
? hands free pictures and video
Tell us how you use the SlideStand.
(*This is a one-time use product - once adhered to your device it should not be removed - if removed it may not stick as well if reapplied)
(* SlideStand will not adhere directly to the iPhone 4's tempered glass backing(YOU NEED A CASE or Shield)
(*In some telephone models - when mounting the SlideStand take extra care not to block access to the battery/SIM card or speakers).
(*SlideStand is a single use device - once adhered it should not be removed - if removed it will not stick with the same adhesive)
(*SlideStand uses 3M adhesives when peeled off it did not damage any leading telephones or cases - we were able to remove the SlideStand without any damage - very minor adhesive residue was left in some situation that was easily removed - your device or case may be different.)
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