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Higher quality at a lower cost is the mantra of organizations today. World-wide, companies are looking to stay one step ahead of the competition. To lead today's organization in this complex economic environment, management needs to know what has happened in the past, what is happening now and what effect they have in managing overall performance and quality. Statit's performance improvement solutions provide users with a simple yet powerful means to access, track, analyze, compare and contrast data in ways that provide insights from which to make objective, sustainable and defensible decisions.
Statit has consistently heard from customers that they are realizing a number of benefits including, accessibility; automation, analytics, etc.
Data Access - organizations employ many disparate data sources. Statit helps users leverage those multiple data sources to make more accurate and consistent decisions. Integrate financial, operational customer, etc., data into a single scorecard for everyone within the organization. No need to build a data warehouse.
Automation - consolidating spreadsheets can be time consuming and costly. Statit's real-time, automated approach provides users with the most current data when they need it.
Better Decisions - by integrating financial and operational data, Statit users are better able to identify and optimize the areas of opportunity within their data and apply them to the decision areas and drive better outcomes. Drill through graphs for more detailed data.
Complex Analytics Simplified - to truly improve performance, you must measure performance with statistically valid, objective, sustainable and defendable techniques. Statit enables usersto explore comparisons, perform in-depth statistical analysis, establish thresholds and monitor continuous improvement efforts.
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