16860 ROYALTON RD STRONGSVILLE, OH 44136 Get Directions
16860 ROYALTON RD STRONGSVILLE, OH 44136 Get Directions
When you want to have a clean car without the risk of scratches or damage, bring your car to Strongsville Superwash and let us wash all your dirt problems away. Since 2001, our car wash in Strongsville, OH, has been serving as the only true hot and fresh water car wash in the area. We use only top-quality soaps and waxes in our high-pressure, hot and fresh water process, knowing that temperature, water quality, and chemistry are of utmost importance when getting your car totally clean.
Strongsville Superwash uses the absolute best in touchless automatic equipment to ensure a clean, shiny, and dry car. Additionally, there are no intimidating rails to drive on as our sensors detect where your car is and adjust to the perfect distance when washing your vehicle. Furthermore, a thorough cleaning is guaranteed with the Gatling Gun side blasters, perfectly designed to power off dirt.
By using only the finest products and the best in touchless equipment for your ultimate safety, Strongsville Superwash is your premier source in the area for the best car wash experience possible.
For more information, call us today at (440) 572-4705.
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