5716 CORSA AVENUE SUITE 104 THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 Get Directions
5716 CORSA AVENUE SUITE 104 THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91362 Get Directions
If you live in California, you probably drive. A lot. And that means the chances are you have gotten a traffic ticket. In fact, the average California driver gets a moving violation every 18 months. And many will pay the ticket (if they're eligible). Which means points on your license, higher insurance premiums and paying a big fine. There’s traffic school, but that means paying traffic school fees – one to the court and one to the traffic school - in addition to the ticket fine, and not every person or every ticket is eligible. But there is a better way:
TicketBust.com has helped thousands of drivers contest their traffic tickets. In over 14 years, TicketBust.com has developed systems to help you properly prepare your court documents so you can contest your traffic ticket in California using a Trial by Written Declaration.
You may think your situation is unique but we've almost certainly helped someone in your exact circumstance before by using a completely legal California court system procedure that has been available since 1978: the Trial by Written Declaration. With the experience of TicketBust.com behind you, feel confident that your court documents will be completed properly. After all, TicketBust.com has completed thousands of Trial by Written Declarations!
Our mission is to help you fight your ticket so you can get it dismissed! Many tickets belonging to our customers have been dismissed or reduced using our service. And for those that aren’t, we offer a refund of our Service Fee (subject to terms and conditions).
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