488 S STATE ROAD 135 GREENWOOD, IN 46142 Get Directions
488 S STATE ROAD 135 GREENWOOD, IN 46142 Get Directions
Dr. Matthew Walton has the experience and credentials you should look for when considering a Dental Implant Dentist.Dr. Walton is an Associate Fellow of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry.Only 877 dentists out of all 196,000 dentists in the USA hold AAID credentials.He is also one of only a few local dentists who are certified to provide Intravenous Sedation to his patients. Plus he offers a wide range of dental implant procedures including single tooth implants, implants for dentures, hybrid implants, All-On-4 or 6, snap in dentures, full arch implants and full mouth reconstruction.Walton Family, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry is conveniently located just 15 minutes south of downtown Indianapolis with free parking.Dr. Walton is at the forefront of dental implant technology offering 3D Cone Beam scans for high-precision dental implant planning and the use of platelet rich fibrin (PRF) to speed healing. Dedicated to life-long learning and the pursuit of perfection, Dr. Walton takes great pride in practicing implant dentistry; he performs sinus lifts, bone grafts and complex bone augmentation procedures.Seeking a new dentist in Greenwood Indiana? Read our reviews:"I was referred to Dr. Walton by a friend, and his work on my teeth has been life-changing! I’ve had a lot of expensive dentistry in the past and I had given up and resigned myself to dentures, when I decided to give my own teeth one last chance, and I’m SO glad I did! Dr. Walton is a skilled professional, it was obvious that my level of comfort and satisfaction was the most important thing to him and his capable staff. Put that together with the amazing and wonderful miracle he performed on my teeth, and the experience has been more than positive. The days of worrying about how getting dentures would impact my appearance, and quality of life, are a distant memory, and I have Dr. Walton’s skill and talent to thank for that. I would recommend Walton Family Dentistry to anyone who’s looking for life-changing dentistry performed by wonderful people." – Marie H."Wanted the top dental implants dentist because a few of my back teeth were getting pretty bad and were extremely sensitive causing moderate pain. I also had some pretty unsightly tooth decay on my front teeth as seen in the photos below of my teeth before and after bonding and white filling to fix my smile. I was always having to laugh with my mouth closed as I was embarrassed by the decay right on my front teeth. Dr. Walton fixed my smile! I am so happy I cant even write it down. There are no words for how talented his team is and how much they changed my life. They did bonding and white filling on my front teeth after removing the decay.He was friendly and courteous and his staff terrific. I took advantage of his sedation dentistry expertise and elected for the Nitrous right before the numbing shots so was relaxed thru the entire dental implant procedure. This team really impressed so I have went back for dental implants for my back bottom teeth which will keep me chewing into my senior years and I had a root canal and of course a few extractions to bad teeth making room for the new cutting edge dental implants. I've never felt better than I do now. My teeth are white and I no longer have decay plus I am waiting for the titanium dental implants to heal and Ill have new back teeth to gnaw on stuff ;)I thought dental implants would be a scary procedure but I was wrong. I hardly felt a thing and had zero problems with healing. Dr. Walton and his team are talented! I highly recommend them! This is my dentist office forever now. He is the best dentist in Greenwood and the top dental implant dentist in the area. Worth the drive." - Chris S.
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