809 GWYNE AVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93111 Get Directions
809 GWYNE AVE SANTA BARBARA, CA 93111 Get Directions
Xtremevibes.com the new kid on the block is an alternative to Facebook. Xtremevibes.com was founded on the policy that the members rule. It means that changes to the site will only be made to make the site more safe, convenient, and fun for its members. Providing member services on the Vibe will not be done at the inconvenience and exploitation of its members.
The Vibe offers comparable convenient services using the KISS principal; “Keep It Simple Stupid.” It's the new place in Cyberspace where privacy is sacred and the members rule. It combines the features of Facebook and My Space without the commercials! Connect with family and friends, post images, video and music, watch live television and listen to your favorite music station live on line, start a Blog, and make new friends.
Coming soon, members will be able to stay in touch with Their Smart Phone by downloading the free XtremeVibes Phone App, providing full smart phone capability; sign in, check your messages, post images, and video from your phone, and much more.
Also in the works is the VibeMarket. This will be an optional feature where members will be able to; advertise, buy, trade, and sell, goods and services, similar to Craig’s List, sell and bid on eBay and Amazon, advertise their business, purchase high quality products at discount prices, participate in Penny Auctions, and play a wide variety of online games. All commercial activity will be generated on an off site portal not on the primary site.
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